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January's Events

Hello everyone, I hope your month has been good to you. My month has been cold, cold, cold. Some nights the temperatures have dropped down to negative twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit.Several nights my water has frozen at a couple of faucets, but it has all worked out ok.

I received an acceptance letter from Black Ink Fiction for their CTRL ALT DEL anthology

There was no furious fiction this month and there isn't one in February, so I submitted two different stories to places.

I will be starting a few other projects in February and I will tell you all about them next time.

Here is one of my #furiousfiction entries from last year.

Cherry Pie Jimmy was in a rush to get to the county fair. He had been waiting an entire year to be old enough to enter the infamous pie eating contest. He had skipped breakfast, took care of his dirty clothes, and had done all of his morning chores; so his mother wouldn't say he was grounded.

He hurried out the kitchen door, turning the lock, and pulling the door closed behind him. As he got to his truck, he realized there was one problem. He had forgotten his keys and his cell phone on the kitchen table. He knew exactly where he had left them. Now the dilemma he encountered was how to get back into the house, without breaking anything.

Grumbling aloud “That’s what I get for rushing. He who makes haste, makes waste.” It was obvious this was going to become a major waste of time. Especially considering he only had an hour to get registered for the contest. He worked his way around the house to search for an open window on the ground floor. Thankfully, the last window he checked was in the laundry room, and his mother almost always had that window open while doing laundry. He was in luck; the window opened and was able to squeeze himself inside.

He was pressing his luck with timing, but he grabbed his keys and cell phone and ran back out the door to his truck. When he finally arrived at the fairgrounds, he made it with time to spare. He signed up for the contest and went to talk to a group of friends who had gathered to watch the participants fling pie into their mouths as quickly as possible.

The time finally arrived for them to start. There sat: Jimmy, a woman named Laura, and an overweight older man named Carlton,. When the buzzer rang for them to start, Jimmy did the only thing he could think of to maybe beat them. He stuffed his face down into the pie, just like a child on their first birthday. He didn’t bother taking the time to look at his competition to see how they were doing. He had two minutes to eat as much cherry pie as he could and he was convinced he would win.

When the final buzzer rang, he looked up away from the pie. Much to his dismay, the woman sitting to his left, had eaten twice as many pies as he had. Not only had he lost, he lost to a girl, and at his age, that was a major no-no. She held her arms up as the winner. Before she cleaned off her face, she turned toward Jimmy, kissed him right on the lips, smiled and said, “Wanna go out on Friday night? I’ll buy pizza, with my prize money, for us. You know, a different kind of pie, to celebrate.”

Jimmy kissed her back and said, “Yeah. I’ll pick you up at 630.”

“Deal, see you then.”

Until next time, I want you all to be safe.

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