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Halloween Is Upon Us

Hello all

Tomorrow is Halloween. For some that means costume parties. For others its means getting into costumes and going trick-or-treating. For the adults sorting through all the candy to be sure it is all safe for our youngsters is the last step.

I have some things going on in the background that I will be sharing as we progress toward the end of 2021.

But today I want to introduce some drabbles that I wrote to submit to a publisher. They were, however, rejected.


Mom spoke with confidence, “Zombies aren’t real.”

I stuttered, “Th-then what’s th-that?”

It hobbled toward us, carrying the stench of rotting flesh. The charcoal grey tissue had deteriorated, causing exposed bones and empty eye sockets. Mom tried to give me an opportunity to escape, fists swinging while she screamed, “Run Kellie, don’t look back.”

I ran; I also glanced backward. Her skull shattered; brains devoured one handful at a time. The zombie's mouth full of brain matter groaned, “Next?”

My legs froze in fear as he shuffled toward me, grabbing my neck to snap it, I’m certain zombies are real.

My Legs

Staff didn’t believe me when I told them things were crawling on my legs, burrowing through my mangled flesh after my hit and run accident.

When they realised the sensation was real, it was too late.

The squirming mass of maggots encased my broken pieces of bone and pulp. I screamed at the sight. They sedated me, then amputated my limbs.

Fifteen years later, I can still feel their writhing bodies burrowing into limbs that are not there. They wake me from my slumbers. Nightmares of being devoured by insects.

I awoke today with a feeling. My scalp is itchy.

Mason's Demise

Something ran toward the boys. The creature was strong enough to lift Mason. Needle-like teeth ripped his throat apart as it foamed at the mouth. Paul sprinted to the car and didn’t see the blood squirting from Mason's neck.

Paul ran over the monster after the car collided into it, dropping the exhaust as it dragged over the body. The rescue team returned to find Mason, dismembered, flesh torn from his bones, with pieces strewn everywhere. The creature was missing.

Later that night we found Paul, dead in his driveway; his throat, liver, and heart mangled, lying next to him.

Be sure to check out the latest book reviews on the website, not just mine but guest reviewers as well.

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